The podcast series on conscious business and growth

With entrepreneurs who are driven, consciously entrepreneurial and make the world a little more beautiful. I regularly invite them to my home to listen to their inspired story.

Listen in now to more than 90 inspiring stories about personal development and growing in business.

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Wise words from Robin Bassie. After all, when he started his company Galileo Academy, he could not have imagined all that he would encounter.
Sitting penniless at home with your parents after fleeing Amsterdam with burnout. Back east to Hengelo. That's how Thomas' story began. It was his mother's sewing machine that gave him an idea.
After all, it doesn't have to be perfect right away. Ask for feedback, change and move on again. Angela looked for 100% natural personal care products without plastic, metals or other harmful ingredients. Not to be found and so she decided to do it herself along with her sister Cathy. 
She wanted to support parents who want to experience more nature with their children. Because more and more children are growing up in the city, and screen time is a big challenge. Naming cartoon characters is now easier than the tree on the street corner. While research proves: Children who experience more nature feel better.
A study, job and life that did not make sense at all led Guido Heune to a serious burnout. It couldn't go on like this. His life had to change and he himself even more so. With a doctor's prescription, he walked daily and found that it did him good.
These words are well suited to Leon Polman and the adventure he is having with his company the Green Side. A great story from this young entrepreneur who saw a stack of one-sided printed paper lying on his desk and thought: "What a waste to throw this paper away while the other side can still be described to prevent paper waste."