The podcast series on conscious business and growth

With entrepreneurs who are driven, consciously entrepreneurial and make the world a little more beautiful. I regularly invite them to my home to listen to their inspired story.

Listen in now to more than 90 inspiring stories about personal development and growing in business.

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And then she woke up and knew! That's what Katrien of mamaloves tells us in her story of conscious entrepreneurship and growth.
Just do it! In this 5th podcast from the "Conscious Growth" series, Harm from Deboprojects tells us his inspiring story. About how he was already an entrepreneur at the age of 24 and was able to put all his energy into it. And running a successful business.
In this sixteenth podcast , Maarten Reijgersberg takes you through his personal story. In the podcast Maarten shares openly and vulnerably about his depressive side and what life and business is like with depression and medication. Together with his team, he manages to build the company Rauw CC into a beautiful creative agency. Maarten also takes you through how, coming back from burnout, he made the decision
Working on your mindset, the bigger thinking Welcome to another 4th podcast Conscious Growth. This time a very inspiring story from Bob Seldenthuis. Bob started working and doing business at an early age. He then started the engineering company Seldenthuis Enginering BV and recently also a Construction Consulting branch. He has turned it into a nice, healthy business. A colleague now does the day-to-day management....
Just try to enjoy what you are doing! Great words in this podcast with Marcellino Zwirs. A wonderful pep talk for every (young) entrepreneur. Marcellino set up the company Expat Rental Scout together with his business partner Boyd and talks extensively about his journey as an entrepreneur and how he is becoming more and more conscious of himself to realize his dreams. This podcast lets young entrepreneurs...
Take care of yourself! Wise words from Mick Gennes who, despite his disease PLS and all the limitations it brings, has started introducing his own kombucha drink MoBucha. In this story Mick takes you through how he deals with his disease, how he is conscious and healthy and living his dreams. To me a hero Mick! Please help get his product on store shelves or in the hospitality industry.