The podcast series on conscious business and growth

With entrepreneurs who are driven, consciously entrepreneurial and make the world a little more beautiful. I regularly invite them to my home to listen to their inspired story.

Listen in now to more than 90 inspiring stories about personal development and growing in business.

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Discovering your own why and going your own way! The company's why was clear but when asked 5 years ago what his own why was Florian Minderop of MisterGreen Electric Lease remained silent for a long time. For anyone thinking about: - What am I doing and why am I actually doing it? - Who am I and what makes me happy and joyful? - How do I play myself free beyond all kinds of...
It's in my blood as an entrepreneur. But yes if you grow to 60 people then entrepreneurship is a whole different story. Derk de Geus of gaming company Paladin Studios openly shares his important lessons on why he hired a CEO. Listen and get inspired by Derk's candid story about his spiritual journey and how he is now two years down the road from a...
Just 20 years young, Niels Troost decided as a student to set up a recruitment campaign for the 51,000 children in the Netherlands who are abused, neglected or abandoned and no longer live at home (Stichting van het Kind). He wanted to help sustainably and decided to take the recruitment of members into his own hands. One thing led to another and thus was born Trust Marketing which is now active in 4 countries with 40...
How Bas Beek touches me when he talks about his task: "I believe in a better world and want to contribute to it by building next generations." That's the purpose of CompaNanny Nederland B.V. Passionately Bas tells about his spiritual journey, about ego and vulnerability and about his purpose to build with his daycare centers next generations who treat each other and the earth consciously.
To be grateful for your own personal development and to grant this to your employees as well: to allow 1,000 people to take a tremendous growth step to launch their careers. This big goal is what Maarten Fokkelman and Rutger Plak formulated their company Crossphase for. Employees first!
Quitting your job and starting for yourself. That's what Bart Peute did and he started Your Ticket Provider. Step by step, he built the company. In a few years he was able to attract capital and make acquisitions in order to realize the big goal of guiding 100 million people to happiness. A story also about entrepreneurship in times of Corona with stagnant sales and an exit recently. What a...